BOOTSPI BIST0_OK _OK!decomp _done done Hello U-Boot PIN_63=>GPTO_34 PIN_62 =>GPTO_35 high1!!!!!!! U-Boot 1.1.6-g9e906004-dirty (Apr 1 2019 - 17:11:54) Board: MSTAR KRITI (CPU Speed 576 MHz) DRAM: 64 X 0 MBytes U-Boot is running at DRAM 0x87610000 Module: USB FAT FLASH SPI LOGO OSD ENV=SERIAL Flash is detected (0x0C02, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x16) In: serial Out: serial Err: serial MSVC00B000100100208768TH0000000T MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = BF200000 MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = BF000000 Panel Library mismatch(03), please update to version 04 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][305]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][307]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][350]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1280, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=720 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][352]u16HTotal=1980,u16VTotal=750,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=1980,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=750, u16DefaultVFreq=500 [XC,Version] 00442327 no need to patch DAC eTiming =4 HDMITx eTiming =5 HDMITx eTiming =5 Create Dolby single part name task failed!! [Hal_VE_EnableDI][1430] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0 u32ReadBuffVirAddr = A0000000, u32IntBuffVirAddr = A0100000, u32OutBuffVirAddr = A0730000 verJPD_SetStatus >>>>>>>>>>> w:720, h:576, p:720 [GOP3, PID 0, TID 0x-1][Driver Version]: 0089, BuildNum: 0002, ChangeList: 00524916 keypad_pressed is [0] ir_pressed is [0] Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 [auto_boot][2844], No immediate SW RESET. Start 75F2000 End 76CC000 UnProtect MIU block 0 : 0x75F2000 0x76CC000 offset 0x6001C, size 0x2EA27D WARNING: it is better to set flash start addr aligned to 65536 !!! WARNING: it is better to set total length aligned to 65536 !!! Flash is detected (0x0C02, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x16) initialization done! Start read 2EA27D data from serial device... in=0x80B00000, in_size=0x2EA27D, out= 0x80000180, alloc_buf = 0x81000000 in=0x80B00000, in_size=0x2EA27D, out= 0x80000180, alloc_buf = 0x81000000 in_size=3056253 out_size=8450628 unpack_size=0 LZMA Decompression...CRC_result 1E9155C1 CRC_value 1E9155C1 CRC check success !! ok Start 75F2000 End 76CC000 UnProtect MIU block 0 : 0x75F2000 0x76CC000 disable interrupts ## Starting application at 0x80000224 ... [eCos][CPU INFO] : CPU Clock = 576000000 : RTC Period = 288000 Hardware Initialize... MApi_Sysbsp_CreateMemoryPool upoolSize = 320000 and u32Addr = 9FF400 MDrv_MIOMap_Init MsOS_Init MApi_Sysbsp_CreateMemoryPool upoolSize = 320000 and u32Addr = 9FF400 mdrv_gpio_init 021264180087 Auth OK E_SYS_DOLBY_VERSION = 1 E_SYS_DOLBY_CONTROL_BIT = 1 E_SYS_DOLBY_REVERSE_BIT = 0 MIU Initialize... Get IOMap u32NonPmBase = 0xbf200000 Get IOMap u32PmBase = 0xbf000000 Disable MIU1 WDT_Init [MAPI_MEMINFO] DVBC System Memory Usage [MAPI_MEMINFO] ============================ START END SIZE [MAPI_MEMINFO] POOL_START 0x00000000 0x014e8000 0x014e8000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] Cached Pool Start 0x009ff400 0x00d1f400 0x00320000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] NONCACHED_POOL_START 0x00d1f400 0x014e8008 0x007c8c08 [MAPI_MEMINFO] [MAPI_MEMINFO] Memory Layout: [MAPI_MEMINFO] ============================ START END SIZE [MAPI_MEMINFO] XC_MEM_START 0x03d00000 0x04000000 0x00300000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] MAD_MEM_START 0x03b73000 0x03d00000 0x0018d000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] MVD_MEM_START 0x021e2000 0x03b72000 0x01990000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] VE_MEM_START 0x02041c00 0x021e2000 0x001a0400 [MAPI_MEMINFO] GOP_DMAMEM_START 0x02040000 0x02041000 0x00001000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] TSP_VQ_START 0x0203f000 0x02040000 0x00001000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] PM51_MEM_ADR 0x0203f000 0x0203f000 0x00000000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] PM51_VAR_MEM_ADR 0x0203f000 0x0203f000 0x00000000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] GOP_GWINMEM_START 0x01c4b000 0x0203b000 0x003f0000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] INTERNAL_DVBT2_BUFFER_EQ_ADDR 0x01bb5000 0x01c4b000 0x00096000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] INTERNAL_DVBT2_BUFFER_TDI_ADDR 0x015b0000 0x01bb0000 0x00600000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] INTERNAL_DVBT2_BUFFER_DJB_ADDR 0x014f0000 0x015b0000 0x000c0000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] INTERNAL_DVBT2_BUFFER_FW_ADDR 0x014e8000 0x014f0000 0x00008000 [MAPI_MEMINFO] pFirstAvailableMemory 0x809ff3f8 Hello Hummingbird!! _appDemo_Task.iId = 1985216514 [MsOS_SHM_GetId][3219] MsOS_SHM_Init: Unable to get available share memeory create Audio SHM data ... Audio SHM data is created reset Audio SHM data ... MApi_DigiTuner_Init MApi_DigiTuner_Init mutex id 1985216519 MDrv_IIC_Init PORT 1 MDrv_IIC_InitPort0: OK MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Init demodulator! >>> Allocate Addr = A14E2EE0 , FwPhyAddr = 014E2F00 @@@1@@@ -----ECO MODE----************************ Start TSP_Init ************************ : RASP from TSIF_RASP >> FwVersion:002F2500 , Date:20130722 ************************* End TSP_Init ************************* >> DVBT2 SoftStop Fail! ##DVBT:TS Phase check !!, board version smaller than 4 >> DVBT SoftStop Fail! MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Init Tuner! R840 Init..... Delete Task [_appDrvLv1 Task] OK [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_SetCommand() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [Warning!!]No SRS TSXT license!! [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later ADEC Done and do default setting 4 ===== Check Audio Decoder Protection from hash-key IP ===== Hash Key Check DD Fail, no DD license!! Hash Key Check DDP Fail, no DD+ license!! Hash-key Support Generic HE-AAC!! Hash Key Check WMA Fail, no WMA license!! Hash-key Support DRA. Hash Key Check Dolby MS11 Fail, no Dolby MS11 license!! Hash Key Check DTSE Fail, no DTSE license!! Hash Key Check DTSNeoUltra Fail, no DTSNeoUltra license!! Hash Key Check SRS_TSHD Fail, no SRS_TSHD license!! Hash Key Check SRS_THEATERSOUND Fail, no SRS_THEATERSOUND license!! Hash Key Check DTS_StudioSound3D Fail, no DTS_StudioSound3D license!! Hash Key Check COOK Fail, no COOK license!! ===== Check Protection IP End ===== [_SysInit_InitAPI][1626]SPI Flash Driver Init !! Flash is detected (0x0C02, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x16) _SysInit_XC bBootLogoEnable:1 MDrv_PNL_Init u32PnlRiuBaseAddr = bf200000 MDrv_PNL_Init u32PMRiuBaseAddr = bf000000 [XC,Version] 00442327 no need to patch DAC eTiming =4 DAC eTiming =4 HDMITx eTiming =5 _SysInit_VE bBootLogoEnable:1 _SysInit_VE g_PNL_TypeSel:10 Wait V Sync!! [Hal_VE_EnableDI][1436] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0 driver GE init ok [MApi_Sysbsp_InitGEGOP][1359] [MApi_Sysbsp_InitGEGOP][1363] [GOP0, PID 0, TID 0x-2138940560][Driver Version]: 0089, BuildNum: 2147483647, ChangeList: 00524916 [MApi_Sysbsp_InitGEGOP][1389]driver GOP0 init ok [GOP1, PID 0, TID 0x-2138940560][Driver Version]: 0089, BuildNum: 2147483647, ChangeList: 00524916 [MApi_Sysbsp_InitGEGOP][1389]driver GOP1 init ok [GOP2, PID 0, TID 0x-2138940560][Driver Version]: 0089, BuildNum: 2147483647, ChangeList: 00524916 [MApi_Sysbsp_InitGEGOP][1389]driver GOP2 init ok GE_Init done BASEADDRESS_STRING_DATABASE_IN_FLASH = 00370000 BASEADDRESS_BITMAP_DATABASE_IN_FLASH = 00370000 BASEADDRESS_GENSETTING_IN_FLASH = 00370000 BASEADDRESS_CURRENT_DTV_ORDER_IN_FLASH = 00380000 BASEADDRESS_CH_DATABASE_IN_FLASH = 00390000 BASEADDRESS_MOSAIC_IN_FLASH = 003D0000 BASEADDRESS_TFCA_MAIL_IN_FLASH = 003E0000 NUMBER_OF_CURRENT_DTV_PROGRAM = 00001000 MApi_VectorFont_Init total size=3276800, free size=3248000, large size=3239780 yurian alloc mem 0x8dcc yurian alloc mem 0x2ff2 0SysInit done .............Boot Quick.................................... Delete Task [InitAPI Task] OK R840 SUCCESS!!!!! MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Demod_Open! Delete Task [_appDrvLv2 Task] OK into _appMain_Task [MApp_CheckFlash][1582] s8SN0 = 1 #### MApp_CheckFlash 1 0 MApi_DB_CM_LoadDTVProgramDatabaseFromFlash -- u16Index[0] [4096] MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_eCurrentServiceType = 1 MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_wCurrentOrderOfTV = 0 MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_wCurrentOrderOfRadio = 0 MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_wCurrentOrderOfMosaic = 0 MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_wCurrentOrderOfNvod_Ref = 0 MApi_DB_CM_InitDTVDataManager: m_wCurrentOrderOfNvod_TimeShifted = 0 MApi_DigiTuner_Init ========= MDrv_Demod_Restart =========== pParam->u32Frequency = ffffffff pParam->TerParam.u8PlpID = ff pParam->TerParam.u8ScanType = ff pParam->TerParam.eBandWidth = ffffffff pParam->TerParam.eHierarchy = 5edb5006 pParam->TerParam.eGuardInterval = 465c0811 pParam->TerParam.eFFT_Mode = 6c312450 pParam->TerParam.eHPCodeRate = 80253018 pParam->TerParam.eLPCodeRate = 8041b89c pParam->TerParam.eLevelSel = 8 u32Freq -1, ucBw 255, tuner type =0,Tuner Success into appMain_AddApp [ZUI] init: sz_msg_q=6216 fix appTV_GetInfo before using CVBS ON, RGB OFF, HDMI ON [msCHIP_DAC_SetOutputSource][156] input bitmap: 0x00000011 CVBS on SVIDEO off, YPBPR off, RGB on SCART on problem happen App_GetTVFormat:[0] Path2 Set to Mixer [msAPI_XC_ReMapComponentType][426]: msAPI_XC eTiming = 4 [Hal_VE_EnableDI][1436] bEnable = 0, bIsDNR2VE = 0 into appMain_AddApp into appMain_AddApp into appMain_AddApp USB init MDrv_Usb_Init.. Usb init [NCM]The allocted address is 0xa12aa220 Init Software Timer ok Init USB MSC [USB] MS USB Host Lib for KRITI only Init chip KRITI, port 0 [USB] constant upll NLib usb_init start, UTMI base 0xbf207500, USBC base 0xbf200e00, UHC base 0xbf204800, USBBC base 0xbf240a00 [GOP3, PID 0, TID 0x-2138940032][Driver Version]: 00ehci_hcd (CPE_AMBA) at 0x0xbf204800, irq 7 new USB Bus, assigned pBus number 1 pQh: 0xa12ab000, pQh->qh_dma_addr: 0x012ab000 Allocate a non-cacheable memory pool for periodic frame list array 0xa12ad000, size 1024 qh dma addr: 0x012ab000 [EHCI] Enable Park Mode: 3 EHCI 1.00, driver eCos Newhost [root hub] device address 1 89, BuildNum: 0002, ChangeList: 00524916 ##### MApp_ZUI_InitBootOsd channel=0 MApp_ZUI_ACT_StartupOSD TV_PRUSB device product string (index 2) = CPE_AMBA EHCI ms_ehci_hcd_cpe_ehci_drv_probe_EX -> allocate usb_hcd Usb start EX..., gVar = 806c0c70 UsbTask EX ... port 0 OG startup:8 [now=255,1] [MApp_ZUI_ACT_PrepareOSDPage][563] MS_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_TYPE : 4 fix _MApp_ZUI_SetupDisplayList before using SD: 720 x 576, HD: 960 x 720 [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range MDrv_Usb_Done ................................................. RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP MApi_EpgDB_SetExtendedEventPoolSize 0x4e0000 [+]MApi_EpgDB_Init [EPGDB][000791] ========================================================================= [EPGDB][000792] _pu8EitBufMask: (Start, End, Length)= (0xa12aa1f0, 0xa12aa1f5, 0x00000005) [EPGDB][000793] _pMapBufIdxTable: (Start, End, Length)= (0xa1248a50, 0xa1248be0, 0x00000190) [EPGDB][000794] _pu8EpgDbEvtMask (Start, End, Length)= (0xa12a9df0, 0xa12aa1d8, 0x000003e8) [EPGDB][000795] _pu8EpgDbScheHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa12a92a0, 0xa12a9de0, 0x00000b40) [EPGDB][000796] _pu8EpgDbSrvEvtList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa129f510, 0xa12a9290, 0x00009d80) [EPGDB][000797] _pu8EpgDbSrvSecList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa128b500, 0xa129f500, 0x00014000) [EPGDB][000798] _pu8EpgDbEvtHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa124ccf0, 0xa128b4f0, 0x0003e800) [EPGDB][000799] _pu8EpgDbPfHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa124cc10, 0xa124ccd8, 0x000000c8) [EPGDB][000800] _pu8EpgDbPfPresent (Start, End, Length)= (0xa124ac00, 0xa124cc00, 0x00002000) [EPGDB][000801] _pu8EpgDbPfFollow (Start, End, Length)= (0xa1248bf0, 0xa124abf0, 0x00002000) [EPGDB][000806] EPG database allocate 0x00541705 bytes [EPGDB][000812] ========================================================================= [-]MApi_EpgDB_Init leave MApp_ZUI_API_InitCanvasGDI -> MApp_ZUI_API_GetFontMVF in 131 [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range Set PAL [MApi_SI_System_Startup] OK !! SD Gwin = 4 [_appMain_Task]Delete Task [App] App vserion $Change: 996843 $ disp[1]'s FBID = 2 HD Gwin = 0 startup:3 [now=8,6] [MApp_ZUI_ACT_PrepareOSDPage][563] [Zapper time] Video on total Zapper time Zapper time [6141] yurian alloc mem 0x40000 yurian alloc mem 0x2400 yurian alloc mem 0x2000 yurian alloc mem 0x1000