===== MIPS power UP ===== Init USB USB init MDrv_Usb_Init.. Usb init [NCM]The allocted address is 0xa5257ad0 Init Software Timer ok Init USB MSC [USB] MS USB Host Lib for KRITI only Init chip KRITI, port 0 [USB] constant upll NLib usb_init start, UTMI base 0xbf207500, USBC base 0xbf200e00, UHC base 0xbf204800, USBBC base 0xbf240a00 ehci_hcd (CPE_AMBA) at 0x0xbf204800, irq 7 new USB Bus, assigned pBus number 1 pQh: 0xa5258000, pQh->qh_dma_addr: 0x05258000 Allocate a non-cacheable memory pool for periodic frame list array 0xa525a000, size 1024 qh dma addr: 0x05258000 [EHCI] Enable Park Mode: 3 EHCI 1.00, driver eCos Newhost [root hub] device address 1 USB device product string (index 2) = CPE_AMBA EHCI ms_ehci_hcd_cpe_ehci_drv_probe_EX -> allocate usb_hcd Usb start EX..., gVar = 806598e0 UsbTask EX ... port 0 MDrv_Usb_Done ................................................. reset Audio SHM data ... [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_SetCommand() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later [[utopia]] MApi_AUDIO_ReleaseDecodeSystem() : Audio system is not ready yet, please try again later ADEC Done and do default setting 4 ===== Check Audio Decoder Protection from hash-key IP ===== Hash Key Check DD Fail, no DD license!! Hash Key Check DDP Fail, no DD+ license!! Hash-key Support Generic HE-AAC!! Hash Key Check WMA Fail, no WMA license!! Hash-key Support DRA. Hash Key Check Dolby MS11 Fail, no Dolby MS11 license!! Hash Key Check DTSE Fail, no DTSE license!! Hash Key Check DTSNeoUltra Fail, no DTSNeoUltra license!! Hash Key Check SRS_TSHD Fail, no SRS_TSHD license!! Hash Key Check SRS_THEATERSOUND Fail, no SRS_THEATERSOUND license!! Hash Key Check DTS_StudioSound3D Fail, no DTS_StudioSound3D license!! Hash Key Check COOK Fail, no COOK license!! ===== Check Protection IP End ===== power up! MApi_GOP_PowerOn, The GOP has been powered on!!! CVBS ON, RGB OFF, HDMI ON [msCHIP_DAC_SetOutputSource][156] input bitmap: 0x00000001 CVBS on [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][305]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=720, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=480 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][307]u16HTotal=858,u16VTotal=525,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=858,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=525, u16DefaultVFreq=600 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][350]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=720, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=480 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][352]u16HTotal=858,u16VTotal=525,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=858,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=525, u16DefaultVFreq=600 DAC eTiming =0 DAC eTiming =0 HDMITx eTiming =1 [msAPI_XC_ReMapComponentType][426]: msAPI_XC eTiming = 6 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][305]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1920, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=1080 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_LPLL][307]u16HTotal=2640,u16VTotal=1125,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=2640,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=1125, u16DefaultVFreq=500 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][350]pstPanelInitData->u16Width=1920, pstPanelInitData->u16Height=1080 [_MDrv_PNL_Init_Output_Dclk][352]u16HTotal=2640,u16VTotal=1125,pstPanelInitData->u16HTotal=2640,pstPanelInitData->u16VTotal=1125, u16DefaultVFreq=500 DAC eTiming =6 DAC eTiming =6 HDMITx eTiming =7 Wakeup DigiTuner MApi_DigiTuner_Init mutex id 1985216533 MDrv_IIC_Init PORT 1 MDrv_IIC_InitPort0: OK MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Init demodulator! MDrv_SYS_DMD_VD_MBX_Init more than twice >> DVBT2 SoftStop Fail! ##DVBT:TS Phase check !!, board version smaller than 4 >> MB Busy! MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Init Tuner! R840 Init..... SUCCESS!!!!! MApi_DigiTuner_Init: Demod_Open! ========= MDrv_Demod_Restart =========== pParam->u32Frequency = ffffffff pParam->TerParam.u8PlpID = ff pParam->TerParam.u8ScanType = ff pParam->TerParam.eBandWidth = ffffffff pParam->TerParam.eHierarchy = 80272200 pParam->TerParam.eGuardInterval = 80670000 pParam->TerParam.eFFT_Mode = 45 pParam->TerParam.eHPCodeRate = 80885cb8 pParam->TerParam.eLPCodeRate = 80670000 pParam->TerParam.eLevelSel = 8026b2cc u32Freq -1, ucBw 255, tuner type =0,Tuner Success Start WDT Start SI RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP RASP from TSIF_RASP MApi_EpgDB_SetExtendedEventPoolSize 0x4e0000 [+]MApi_EpgDB_Init [EPGDB][000795] ========================================================================= [EPGDB][000796] _pu8EitBufMask: (Start, End, Length)= (0xa5257a90, 0xa5257aa9, 0x00000019) [EPGDB][000797] _pMapBufIdxTable: (Start, End, Length)= (0xa511e470, 0xa511ec40, 0x000007d0) [EPGDB][000798] _pu8EpgDbEvtMask (Start, End, Length)= (0xa52573f0, 0xa5257a7b, 0x0000068b) [EPGDB][000799] _pu8EpgDbScheHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa5253ba0, 0xa52573e0, 0x00003840) [EPGDB][000800] _pu8EpgDbSrvEvtList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa51efb90, 0xa5253b90, 0x00064000) [EPGDB][000801] _pu8EpgDbSrvSecList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa518bb80, 0xa51efb80, 0x00064000) [EPGDB][000802] _pu8EpgDbEvtHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa5123070, 0xa518bb70, 0x00068b00) [EPGDB][000803] _pu8EpgDbPfHdrList (Start, End, Length)= (0xa5122c70, 0xa5123058, 0x000003e8) [EPGDB][000804] _pu8EpgDbPfPresent (Start, End, Length)= (0xa5120c60, 0xa5122c60, 0x00002000) [EPGDB][000805] _pu8EpgDbPfFollow (Start, End, Length)= (0xa511ec50, 0xa5120c50, 0x00002000) [EPGDB][000810] EPG database allocate 0x0061959c bytes [EPGDB][000816] ========================================================================= [-]MApi_EpgDB_Init [MApi_SI_System_Startup] OK !! Start zapper Start Menu MApp_ZUI_ACT_StartupOSD TV_PROG startup:8 [now=255,1] [MApp_ZUI_ACT_PrepareOSDPage][571] MS_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_TYPE : 6 fix _MApp_ZUI_SetupDisplayList before using SD: 720 x 576, HD: 960 x 720 [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range leave MApp_ZUI_API_InitCanvasGDI -> MApp_ZUI_API_GetFontMVF in 131 [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range [MApi_GOP_GWIN_Is32FBExist][6434]FbId 255 is out of range Set PAL SD Gwin = 4 disp[1]'s FBID = 2 HD Gwin = 0 start Monitor enable IR startup:3 [now=8,6] [MApp_ZUI_ACT_PrepareOSDPage][571] [Zapper time] Video on total Zapper time Zapper time [149047]